I recollect standing on a seashore once, upon a narrow neck of land, thoughtless that the tide might come up. The tide kept continually washing up on either side, and, wrapped in thoughts, I stood there, until at last there was the greatest difficulty in getting on shore. You and I stand each day on a narrow neck, and there is one wave coming up there; see, how near it is to your foot; and lo! another follows at every tick of the clock; “Our hearts, like muffled drums, are beating funeral marches to the tomb.” We are always tending downwards to the grave each moment that we live. This book [The Bible] tells me that if I am converted, when I die, there is a heaven of joy and love to receive me; it tells me that angels ‘pinions shall be stretched, and I, borne by strong cherubic wings, shall out- soar the lightning, and mount beyond the stars, up to the throne of God, to dwell forever.
“Far from a world of grief and sin,
With God eternally shut in.”
Oh! it makes the hot tear start from my eye, it makes my heart too big for this my body, and my brain whirls at the thought of
“Jerusalem, my happy home,
Name ever dear to me.”
~Charles Spurgeon~
Spurgeon’s Sermons
(Spokane, Washington; Olive Tree Bible Software; 2010) eBook. Vol. 1, Sermon No. 15; Titled: The Bible; Delivered on Sabbath Morning, March 18th, 1855.
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